It would be interesting experiment to share our nyms with trusted friends and family members and have them set up an account and not tell us their nym - has anyone tried this?
Doing this could be fun. It might appeal to them as a challenge and interesting way for them to converse with us in a fun way - and playfully watch us as we converse with the community.
We might, of course, wish to create an alt if we've got reservations and offer them this nym instead.
So probably best to choose friends who are playful, smart and trustworthy.
On the subject of trust, best to explain to them the importance of not accidentally revealing our true identities.
This might be a terrible idea - or a brilliant one - I'm guessing the former - but you never know.
It's good to be playful sometimes.
Hm well I sort of have. By which I mean, I have my real name and details on my stacker bio. So.. Yes.
I'd expect nothing less from a... [checks notes] individualist nutcase!
On the subject of trust, best to explain to them the importance of not accidentally revealing our true identities
No, I make a conscious effort to make sure my "real life" is not mixed with my Bitcoin maximalist persona.