Yes, Lawrence White, a prominent professor of economics at George Mason University says in the attached article above - about his concerns regarding Bitcoin security budget. He says about it quite straightforward, imo...
Since when do we listen to "prominent professors of economics"? This whole thread is highly sus to me. Just what problem evident in the year 2023 are you so earnestly trying to address with this? Seems like FUD.
Since when do we listen to "prominent professors of economics"?
"If all the people around [and not only some single professor of economics] tell you that you’re drunk - maybe you're really drunk..."
People have proposed that it [Bitcoin] will become the world’s money someday, and I’m saying I don’t see that being very likely. Other cryptocurrencies with a different design that gives them a more stable purchasing power could possibly play a wider role, and of course, stablecoins have grown to play a pretty substantial role
Also this gentleman.
"People have proposed that it [Bitcoin] will become the world’s money someday, and I’m saying I don’t see that being very likely."
Me: I wouldn't do that without my sureness that something must be done sooner or later with this long-term embedded problem.
Let say, just to make professor seeing it again.