The communication model of sender and receiver
The sender packages the information "encodes" it, the receiver decodes it. All conscious and all unconscious factors flow into the coding of the information. The coding always happens on the basis of the sender. This means that everything that makes up the sender's personality, experiences and the intended way of coding. The sender influences the coding, there is no question about that.
But what role does the decoding of the receiver play when he receives the information? In my eyes this is even more relevant than the preceding coding of the transmitter. Because also here all factors mentioned above play a role. Just as in the conscious as in the unconscious sense. The receiver decodes the statement and tries to classify it in such a way that he himself is under the assumption to have decoded it correctly.
Many times we mean something ironically, the opposite perceives it as serious. We make a dry joke, the other person does not recognize it as a joke.
But how do I come to the assumption that the receiver of the message, with his way of decoding it, is ultimately the key point?
It is hardly possible to encode information without external factors. But if we limit the core of the information to such an extent that hardly any other interpretation is possible, it always depends on the decoding of the receiver how the information will be received.
Who do you think is responsible for the actual message? The sender, the receiver, or both equally?
the sender. common sense told me.