Sometimes it is not even about your skill set; it can be something as simple as showing up. So I have been a semi-active member on this Facebook page meant for many teachers and heads of departments in my country’s Ministry of Education. I have been sharing my lessons and insights once every term in this group. Sometimes, I share the lessons I create and curate at Singapore Learning System, our online learning management system. Other times, I share my experience with AI tools and with teaching students with dyslexia.
So when the admins wanted to organise a physical party for the teachers in our nation (the first one since the COVID pandemic), they thought of me and asked me to be one of the conversation leaders. It seems to be a fairly prestigious event. An important director from the Ministry will come to have a fireside chat with us at the end of our sharing.
Well I never thought that sharing my lessons and insights would position me to be a thought, forward-looking leader in the eyes of other educators. I’m flattered, to say the least.