Migrations and Cultures by Thomas Sowell
What's this one about?
He wrote a trilogy of books about the history of mankind - everything that got us to where we are now (at least the 1990's when this book was published). They read a bit like a textbook, but he tells the history in a way that makes it a page turner. Migrations and Cultures shows how and why cultures developed in different parts of the world and how and why some cultures spread while others stayed contained in one area. He gets into geography, language, interactions between cultures, the rise of nations ... I read it as an adventure story because he does such a good job of making the "journey" so interesting.
That sounds awesome. I've read snatches of Sowell but he's so prolific it's hard to know what a good strategy of approach would be. That trilogy sounds pretty badass.
The first book was Race and Culture. Migration and Cultures was second. Conquests and Cultures was third. Thomas Sowell was quite prolific. He has plenty of other books that are so well written that it is hard to understand why others do not mimic his style. Walter Williams did a top notch job writing about similar subjects. Note - Sowell is still alive but is retired. I see him on youtube frequently, but I do not know if he is presenting anything new.