As a teacher, I think there is a lot of fear and resistance towards the use of ChatGPT. Given its incredible speed in generating responses, some educators feel that their expertise may be undermined since students can easily refer to ChatGPT for answers. Others are apprehensive that students will become over-reliant on it and even plagiarise their essays.
Other reasons that account for this fear include ChatGPT’s limitations. Given that it is prone to “hallucinations” and giving fake confidence with confidence, teachers dare not use it as a source of information.
My take on it is that regardless of whether we like it or not, ChatGPT and other AI chat bots are here to stay. So, since prompt engineering is going to be a significant creator of jobs for our youth, we need to guide them on how to use ChatGPT with discretion and judiciousness. We need to harness the best of ChatGPT without absorbing its vices.
chat AI creates a whole new reason why people need critical thinking skills as the responses are only as good as the prompts. Being able to discern good from bad responses will separate the productive from self-defeating individuals.