Howdy folks, hope everyone is having a nice end of the work week/start of the weekend. Fall is in full swing where I'm at and I'm all for it. Love the crisp weather and changing colors of the leaves.
I start a new job on Monday and I'm excited about it. Going back to the industry I have the most experience in after taking a slight detour to work at a startup. Glad to be back in the saddle, being laid off is no fun. I'm most stoked about regularly stacking corn again with a steady paycheck.
Good vibes to all.
Sounds like life is going up 🆙 for you. Keep at it!
Thank you, I certainly will! Life is full of ups and downs but we control how we approach it all. Determined to stay optimistic and make the most out of things regardless. Cheers!
Howdy! Good luck with starting the new job!
Thank you! Excited about turning the page and starting a new chapter. Optimistic about the end of the year and 2024! Cheers!