To all Bitcoiners, Noderunners and humanitarians in general. I feel we have a responsibility to make the coming turning as smooth as possible for as many as we can muster.
Here are some things te keep in mind.
Its easy to point a finger. The banality of evil lurks in everyone of us. Be mindful of it. You have a dark side. Acknowledge it. If you shun it, it may come back to bite you, and those around you, in unhealthy ways.
#Bitcoin fixes a lot, but inherent responsibility remains.
If you don't grok this, I posit you haven't thought deeply enough about the inherent problems of existence.
Inform yourself. Question everything. Ideas can't harm you. Don't be a fool. No one has got it all figured out, I believe.
Information is not a weapon, but cencoring it might be. Knowledge leads to freedom AND self-contraint. (WHY TF IS ASSANGE STILL IMPRISSONED! This man should be out and about.)
I need no GOD to derive my ethics. The sheer fact I exist, and you likely too, prohibit me from lashing out at you.
It might be wise to keep these things in mind as we transitions from FIAT clownworld to a #Bitcoin Standard. May the transition be peaceful and fruitful, not violent and destructive.
People caused this problem, specific people. Pointing fingers and properly identifying those who directly and intentionally caused these problems is how we solve them.
Those very people who "the banality of evil lurks" within are still in positions of power, and will make things worse going forward. They must be removed if we are to move forward.