I was on bitcoiner.guide (great website)
I was looking in the multi-sig section and this is one of the bullet points:
"Multisig addresses stand out to chain surveillance firms looking at the blockchain. This will be not be the case when Taproot is implemented and widely adopted"
So when will taproot multisig or is it already being used somewhere?
and lists all public keys and signatures separately. With MuSig2 you would be using P2TR addresses that have the same length as P2WSH and start with bc1p. MuSig uses scriptless multisignatures. All the public keys are aggregated into one and you will only see a single aggregated signature in the corresponding input. As such they are indistinguishable from single-sig uses of P2TR. P2TR outputs can also have additional spending conditions defined in their script tree which can contain scripted multisig constructions. Those would then make use ofOP_CHECKSIGADD