I missed the original post and discussion. It seems an interesting dichotomy.
  1. The wealth that can be experienced within your own lifetime.
  2. The wealth that can be created by your legacy.
valuing your individual autonomy so much like this means you are just barely escaping the values of a system which is otherwise oppressing your freedom of expression
I agree there seems to be (an unhealthy) trend to value self-preservation (above all else?)
Escaping is subjective. You might escape through disengagement with, or compartmentalization of a problem, but there may be times to retreat, refocus, and re-engage in order to achieve greater aims.
I guess what might be construed/misconstrued as escaping could also be a hack (in a broader sense) like a life-hack, to change a condition, even the playing fields and regain wealth?
The trend is indicative that the system we live in no longer serves the purpose of giving people enough purpose to live well. IMO.
To restructure your value system seems nearly the only way "out." I'm a fan. I argue that it cannot stop there if you want to "be rich" in the sense that money buys influence i.e. living in a way that your values shape the world around you.