How did your husband react when you told him you were pregnant? He wasnt my husband yet. We’d talked about family. I was 42. It happened naturally, unexpectedly. I texted him. “Um, you asleep?” It was 9 am on a Sunday. Him: Now I am. Me: Im pregnant. Phone rang. It startled me and I dropped it. I let it ring four times before I picked up. He asked me all the question I expected. We talked for two hours. He hung up, told his fam, ordered a uhaul and made his move to California 3 weeks later. We’ve been married 10 years next May. Our beautiful, healthy daughter turns 9 next week. #beatalltheodds
It's fun that you think there are other women on here.
I am not even sure this is a woman. I am confused by this account. I don't know if it is trying to offer relationship advice or tell relationship stories but somedays it posts as a woman and some days as a man. But congratulations regardless.
In that case, "It's fun that you think there are women on here."
I do think there are a couple. @natalia is awesome and I saw another woman joined recently and was a fairly new Bitcoiner and seeking some advice. I forget her handle. There may be a few others that have accounts but don't post often.
and I think this OP account is a bot, hitting different topic to farm sats 🧐
You know the saying: "If a beautiful woman wants to chat with you online about Bitcoin, block him."
What's gonna happen if indeed, it's a beautiful woman? Isn't way safer compared with physical asset since no one can take away the BTC form you 🧐
I know the meaning of it says not many women are into Bitcoin, but Bitcoin would be the norm in the future?
Another saying: "A fool and his money are soon parted."
Let's consider the conditional probabilities where someone is claiming to be a woman: (Probability of a woman on SN)x(Probability of honestly identifying gender) vs (Probability of a man on SN)x(Probability of lying about gender)
Yet another saying: "Better safe than sorry"
Even the bots want those precious sats. Can you blame them?
hahha, then the bot need to learn how to be more creative:)! like @nemo hahha
I did try to get my wife to join as rubygray. No luck yet.
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She will just come on here and troll me. Deservedly, so I am sure you all would have fun. She has a good sense of humour.
So she says, at least