I was on https://bitfeed.live/ and saw Satoshi House was sponsoring them. They must take bitcoin, but it also looks like a blast. The staff wears tuxedos and alien masks and does cocktail art stuff.
The lounge is themed like a bar you'd expect to see on a spaceship.
A few Bitcoin blurbs from the site:
Provide a space where you can bask in the presence of Satoshi Nakamoto, feeling the peace and positive energy that his revolutionary invention, Bitcoin, will bring to human civilization.
Satoshi Nakamoto was an astronaut working on an international mission, residing in the International Space Station in orbit when fate intervened. As he gazed upon the Earth from above, he was approached by an advanced alien civilization. These extraterrestrial beings were curious about our planet and its inhabitants, eager to learn about our cultures and passions.
Satoshi, an avid fan of music and exquisite cocktails, shared his love for these earthly pleasures with the aliens. Enchanted by the rhythmic beats and the art of mixology, the aliens decided to share their most guarded secret with Satoshi: the blueprint for the perfect currency, one that would unlock humanity's potential to become a Type 3 civilization.
With the newfound knowledge bestowed upon him by his alien friends, Satoshi released the Bitcoin white paper to humanity. The revolutionary digital currency transformed the way we understand and use money, propelling us toward a more interconnected, prosperous, and technologically advanced society.
Great idea, shamelessly promoting my previous post here, good to add SatoshiHouse to my list: #266707
I'm sure we have some Dubai SNers who can pay a visit and give us a review.
Analytics shows a few, assuming they aren't all from VPNs.
Damn, looks awesome.
Geez, I never even knew Satoshi was an astronaut, amazing