We are glad to announce the launch of the AcceptBitcoin.nz website.
The big idea is to give kiwi businesses and freelancers the tools and resources they need to understand how to accept and use Bitcoin.
We were inspired by Bridge2Bitcoin and others who have built a model of helping provide Bitcoin advice and onboarding resources for businesses, while also promoting those businesses to develop the Bitcoin circular economy.
We created a design that was aimed at helping businesses understand the benefits of Bitcoin, including some case studies of interesting local businesses that are already accepting Bitcoin. As a secondary goal we also wanted something that was easy for the media and general public to look at when asking the question "How do shops / businesses accept Bitcoin in New Zealand?"
A couple of tools we ❤️ include: Swiss Bitcoin Pay, BTC PayServer, and Breez.
We hope to add more content, guides, and case studies as time goes on and to connect with businesses who are curious about Bitcoin.

AcceptBitcoin is an evolving community project by a group of passionate Kiwi Bitcoin Builders! If you want to learn more check out the Kiwi Bitcoin Guide website.
This is really awesome!