Stop playing shitty games, eroding your privacy, and wasting time with podcasts and SN for meager sats. These are not legitimate ways to "earn" sats because you are selling your time at a loss when you engage with them. Or selling out your private data. Anyone who has internet and can read/write has opportunities to earn sats in a way that is actually a net positive with respect to their time. The uninspired would rathe pretend they're being productive by spending hours to earn less than minimum wage on these apps.
I get your point but is it truly “selling your time at a loss”? The phrase — Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time — comes to mind.
If you would be doing the activity even if they didn't pay you, then sure. Otherwise, you're selling time too cheaply. Low time preference taken to the extreme, will make you lose all your time chasing a sat.
Let the bots earn for you.
in all things generally, you are rewarded proportional to the value provided. Engaging with these "earn" apps provides de minimis value. You could earn more writing bots to help people automate their workflows on fiverr than writing bots to farm these apps.