anyone know how realistically the US can get out of its debt cycle at this point? This is a sincere question. Higher interest rates mean we have to pay more to sell our debt, which means we need more debt. Is the only way to get ride of social security and medicare?
I know everything burning down is sort of an archetype bitcoiner dream, but does anyone know of a plan that we could actually get us out of this mess?
Turn off the news and you have a soft landing
It is possible. If government stopped putting themselves and short term incentives ahead, actions like compactions may be possible.
However, it would require immense coordination and collaboration between both parties to do so. And faith, from the people, in their government.
Essentially shrinking the country's influence by willingly removing the dollar as the global reserve. All while focusing on national economic growth through infrastructure build out at national level. And shrinking it's military influence to its borders.
But the likelihood of any of this without war or a default is so unlikely, that it may as well not be an option.
Shrinking the debt, requires a lot more than greed gives back.
Adjusting to higher inflation and higher rates. Technological innovation which is deflationary, and lower energy inputs, preferably both powering each other. We're already on the cusp of an energy transition and ai revolution, with a static population, automation, and massive reshoring of jobs here in the US. And until demand for our debt goes away, and there's a viable replacement for the USD, the game will continue. It's in relative terms, compared to other currencies and bond markets. And it's all a much bigger problem for emerging markets, and countries with aging populations and high debt to GDP. There is no crisis narrative that holds water regarding the US. Our defense budget will need to shrink though (it has been slowly), and medicare will need a big efficiency boost.
Yes a continued devaluation of the currency, despite how many people complain about the prices of goods and services, humans are remarkable at adapting and getting used to price changes
The dollars purchasing power will be sacrificed and people will adjust, yes some get wiped out, fall below the poverty line as the changes occur but there will always be some new program created to try and stem anger and uprisings
What the dollar has to is advantage is outside demand, so even if they create more dollars at crazy rates, theres an entire globe of people who want to get out of their currency and into dollars and would be more than willing to take dollar depreciation versus local, providing a kind of a floor for it in the medium term
Short answer is soft landing for some, hard landing for most
but does anyone know of a plan that we could actually get us out of this mess?
one form is to apply a debt jubilee.. this was used a long time ago to balance the economy. and we are lacking it again..
But our masters want to keep our leash short with debt..