Here's an unpopular take; I am following Joe Biden's most badly received and seemingly out-of-touch advice ever.
Not sure if ya'll will remember but somebody asked Joe Biden once what coal miners are supposed to do if their jobs disappear to renewables.
Joe's response is one of the most politically ill-advised sentences ever spoken, it received criticism from every which side, people said he was out of touch, whole mess.
He said: "Learn to code"
It really showed that Joe doesn't understand the concerns of regular working people, but at the same time it showed such a fundamental lack of willingness to take responability for regular people's employment that it's actually my favorite thing a politician has ever said.
The president of USA isn't supposed to solve the everyday issues of regular people. His job is to veto bad bills, appoint judges, secure the border, enforce federal laws, and if there's enough time left in the day, sign a very small number of extremely good bills into law.
The fact that he didn't care at all for the trials and tribulations of the average american miner was such a breath of fresh air, though he obviously was trying to actually give viable advice which is terrible.
The attitude of just saying "idfk man, learn to code?" is marvelous, american politics needs more of this. Stop looking to bureaucrats in Washington to sort out your living.
And yes, Joe, I think I will in fact learn to code. Bout damn time I think.