When my wife and I married we felt madly in love. Our relationship was perfect. Nothing else in the world mattered. We’d live happily every after.
Then we came home from the honeymoon. And launched full speed into real life.
My first big surprise. Those little idiosyncrasies you thought were so cute when you were dating? They become really annoying. Insanely annoying. Some drove me crazy.
Which brings me to my wife’s first big surprise. How me going crazy over sweating the small stuff was such a short trip.
My second big surprise. How could I feel so madly in love before we were married and some mornings wake up feeling so blah about the whole marriage thing now.
I never asked my wife if she woke up that way. Really didn’t want to know. And she pretends well anyway.
My third big surprise. What great a mother she is to our two kids. She’s amazing.
I bumble around doing my best as dad. She just instinctively knows exactly what to do.
Though, she’s not always sure what to do with her third child. Her husband.
Fourth, big surprise. How we could get so angry with each other over something trivial. Argue. Talk it out. Make up. Oh yeah, make up. And then feel so in love with each other again.
I mean, you can’t make this stuff up. In a movie it’d never be believable.
Fifth, big surprise. After all these years together I’m glad I married her. She’s still the one. And I can’t imagine life without her.
When she leaves for a few days to go babysit our grandson, well shall we say, I don’t do well. But then that’s another story.
My biggest surprise? That marriage is one continual surprise. But then I guess life is too.
Great marriages aren’t built in never changing relationships but in constant surprises.
How good it can be when you work together as a team (both parties be reasonable, helpful, compromise but stay true to themselves) and how bad it can be when you don't.
Nice confessional post!
For me, it was realising that my wife’s values don’t change, regardless of the season in our lives.
Even though she’s a working mum and is saddled with the majority of the responsibilities when it comes to looking after one toddler and one baby, she insists on cooking almost every day. We only buy takeaway food once or at most twice a week. Her dedication and commitment to ensuring that her household eats healthily is really admirable.