Pencil and mind sharp, books ready, set for study and …. ooooo a bee!
‘Theft!’ Justice crying for new financial hope, lost to Central winds…
The frog doesn’t notice the boiling pot. Steam vapour goes with his last hope
The Bitcoin mountain; a steep, challenging slope to brighter sunlit peaks….
BTC a lone pine in forest of deciduous trees. Altcoin autumn…
winds blew leaves to ground, the rain fixed them to the road, bicycle…. skid marks
Fiat locks undone, the ‘exit is just this way..’ who’s your true jailer?
(Many thanks for the encouragement from @siggy47 and the other cowboys usually found in the daily Stacker Saloon.
Any zaps forwarded to the SN satraiser recipient @anita founder of Bitcoin for Fairness)
What makes a good haiku?
My workplace has a competition this month but I haven't thought about them since grade 6, when we were forced to write some
That’s all in eye/ear of the reader…
Traditionally it would be 5,7,5 syllable 3 line structure (I try and adhere to this) and would include observations/exclamations/reflections rooted in the natural world in the style of Basho et al. However I take my inspiration from Kerouac and his contemporaries and therefore any topic is fair game. Does that help? What do you want to write it about?
Thanks, found a good quote from Kerouac about them
“Above all, a haiku must be very simple and free of all poetic trickery and make a little picture and yet be as airy and graceful as a Vivaldi pastorella.” -Jack Kerouac
And as usual the words from the man himself say more than I ever could.
Allen Ginsberg said Kerouac was the only person in the US who knew how to write haiku.
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That’s fair! Lol