Right up my street. I like anything with a dark feel to it.
Didn't know it was a thing until I came across several playlists on Spotify: dark academic jazz or classical, deep dark indie, dark techno, dark minimal etc
On the topic of music 🎶, I've just started to listen to the Huberman podcast on music and it's impacts on the brain 🧠. Really interested stuff:
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Oooo nice, just need to find something to focus on now 🙈🙉🙊
Yeah, that can put you right into a deep work place.
Really interesting how music works. And affects mood aswell. If I come to work blasting heavy ass aggressive metal, then I feel aggressive and also... Kinda relaxed and happy. Mixed bag of good stuff.
But you listen to something melancholy and watch yourself come right down to low really quickly.
Although strangely music that I find depressing, my wife tells me she finds relaxing.
I was listening to Heilung the other day and I find that puts me in a really good place. Like a state of readiness, but my wife says it makes her chest feel tight and triggers a fright response. Which was interesting. But she'll listen to Damien rice and say it's calming and relaxing, but I find it sad and depressing.
It's fascinating what/how music affects us.