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17 sats \ 3 replies \ @gbks 16 Oct 2023 \ on: Bitcoin poducts makers: what are you doing for your neurodivergent users? bitcoin
Nothing yet in my circles, but we should look into that. We have a page on accessibility in the Bitcoin Design Guide, organized an initiative for Global Accessibility Awareness Day this year in May, and are trying to help wallets improve accessibility (example). We should look into ADHD as well (I'll post this thread in the accessibility channel in our Discord). It's a very slow effort because it is very hard to get people to actually work on this stuff. But I am hopeful that we can make bitcoin a first class citizen for people with all kinds of needs over time so everyone can take part in this new financial system. Thanks for posting.
Thank to you for your work.
I'll add myself to the discord, I really want to be part of these kinds of discussions.
Adding to this, I want to ask, are adding easys way to do CPFP and RBF transactions to either bump the fees or return a wrongly done transaction before it gets inside a valid block (nobody uses 0 conf now) part of these usability guides? Even using unconfirmed UTXOs should be a thing if you ask me (I'm talking about UTXOs you already own, not incoming unconfirmed funds), in the end the first TX to confirm will cancel the other one, so you'll have to pay the carelessness tax anyways.
If not, may I ask why not? Has that not been taken into consideration before as accessibility features, or are there more reasons to that?
We briefly mention those in the Sending bitcoin page, but not in the context of accessibility. Users have options to "Speed up" and "Cancel" transactions. Certainly something that could be mentioned in the accessibility context (but also just generally helpful in case someone accidentally hits the send button too early). Why not mentioned in the accessibility context so far? No one has brought it up or thought of it yet. Thanks for doing that.