I don't think we have consciously considered ADHD before when thinking about our UI/UX.
I think our decisions so far were just generic UI/UX stuff like:
  • keep enough margin between clickable things
  • don't overwhelm the user
  • assume nothing is obvious for the user - always strife for maximum obvious
  • ... ?
Most likely, these decisions also make it easier for ADHD people - or at least not make it worse. Kind of like a reverse curb cut effect)?
(Just learned that effect from a YT comment in the short you linked, lol)
Even here in stacker news I've found these kind of problem for myself after I post something and don't realize I've made a mistake until much later when I can't fix it anymore.
Do you remember what exactly was your mistake? Just typos or something more? Concrete examples help us a lot to identify issues.
A good example of me fucking it up a little just because I didn't pay attention to detail is this post: I'm running an experimento on LN I call "smallnode", care to join?
I was supposed to post this pentagon liquidity swap and I ended up posting the node's profile on LN+. I never fixed because I realized too late.
Many times where I responded to the wrong comment, but that has only happened on the mobile version of the site, I guess it was more of a colour scheme thing than a distractability thing, but who knows.
Many times (this is not exclusive to this site) I've quoted the wrong source by pasting the wrong link, and things of that kind.
My suggestions would be simple:
  • A high contrast mode and/or a line indicating a comments thread o separating on from another.
  • A fancier text editor, at least small icons that simply paste the syntax form something would be great.
  • More time to edit posts after submitting, or at least the opportunity to pay 1 or 10 sats to do so (I'm ok with paying the ADHD tax, I've done it my whole life and I keep doing it).
  • Maybe frequent usability polls or an user suggestion box somewhere in the website.
Other than that, I don't have more ideas, but I'm sure some people would have better ideas than me.
Those are already great ideas!
I already thought about this myself:
More time to edit posts after submitting, or at least the opportunity to pay 1 or 10 sats to do so (I'm ok with paying the ADHD tax, I've done it my whole life and I keep doing it).
We could allow infinite edits (but with a fee) but also show the diff to the previous content so you can't just completely rewrite your comment without any trail.
I think it would also be nice if you can comment why you edited your post/comment. I've seen this on other forums where people edit something and then there is the remark "fixed typos" and such.
That's a great idea. Many forums (looking at you Reddit) only show a small "edited" tag on top of the comment, but they don't show the history of it, also users have to write why they edited the comment manually only so they don't lose credibility when it comes to serious argumentations.
About the markdown editor, I would suggest copying the way MD editors such as QOwnNotes, ghostwrite, Standard Notes, Iotas show the text in the main editor, the MD syntax takes a second place so you can see graphically what you're doing and the result without having to compare between two windows or two tabs