Appreciate the shout out:)
Bitcoin is certainly one component of my ikigai; patiently aligning the other components right now…
I don’t get out of bed motivated by Bitcoin itself but rather by knowing I get to work on what matters to me. There’s plenty more to my life that I’d be happy to work on and find that ikigai, but I certainly am not complaining that Bitcoin fills that role right now.
Kind of also want to say fk it all and start a sheep farm or something, maybe later!
Which part of the world are you from, mate?
It’s interesting what you say about the sheep farm. I watched the Blue Zones on Netflix yesterday and it seems that the men in Sardinia, Italy live past 100 because they worked as shepherds. Because they had control over how to raise and rear their sheep, they don’t suffer from chronic stress. Something for you to chew on xP