Just started using this because I had to buy a temp laptop and it's simply incredible. The Linux virtual machine has instant startups and combined with nixos, makes it incredibly powerful to spin up and throw away reproducible builds. I'm migrating my whole development setup to it now.
Do not use macOS. Apple is your enemy. Do not trust them, do not give them money, do not support them.
Been using OrbStack for some time now. It's one of my favourite tools rn. I use it to learn running docker apps & spinning a VM at anytime. Love it.
Thank you for sharing, I had not heard of this. I’ll have to try it out
Hmm, seems like the kind of thing that should already exist but now that I think about it I couldn't think of any. Maybe in Jetbrains IDEs?
Seems like a cool project. Followed and wait if it takes off