I know MBTI is a pseudoscience but I really swear by my personality: ENFP. So people who are ENFPs are creative people who are adept at connecting the dots between seemingly disparate disciplines and creating something unique as a result. I am no exception. So even though today is Saturday, I had a good time finding snatches of time to prepare for a sharing entitled “Leveraging ChatGPT in Teaching and Learning”. I enjoyed putting the pieces together from my diverse experiences - a survey I did here, responses from professional contacts I made there, a cultural anecdote from yet another place. I feel good knowing that I have come up with a sharing that no one else will be able to replicate. In fact, I blogged about my plan with respect to my sharing here: https://www.publish0x.com/diaperfinancingfund/leveraging-chatgpt-for-teaching-and-learning-xnkqkym
I also find that reading energises me. Yesterday afternoon, I intentionally took a digital detox to finish reading “The Secret Life of the Dyslexic Child”. Social media can be a time sink, so I’m glad I fed my mind intellectually with invaluable insights into the minds of people with dyslexia. Having more knowledge makes me feel empowered and confident!
Excited to read this blog! :) thank u for sharing
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