• Energy blackouts and pricing volatility are avoidable with an independent renewable energy setup, but some bitcoiners love the fossil fuel industry and centralized energy companies so much, that the sun, wind, and ground are scams. They prefer the geopolitical games of oil regimes and demand their grids use centralized commodity inputs. They don't know why, but heard some twitter personalities throw out old data that sounded new. Also, if a person is an urban dweller, decentralizing transportation with an e-bike is another great way to avoid the energy and KYC scourge. Several e-bikes exist that can seat multiple kids and carry hundreds of pounds, others than can easily fold and be carried, but a bunch of bitcoiners love their 4-wheel spyware, gas stations, repairs, KYC insurance, and police interaction.
  • VPNs are getting better, but mesh net tech is coming.
  • Gun ownership and freedom of speech in the US have gotten consistently stronger in since 1791's constitution ratification, not weaker.
  • Shorting stocks won't be illegal, otherwise volatility, and efficient pricing will be significantly worse, and cantillionaires won't make as much
  • Media scanning is easily avoidable if you dump the centralized abusers. It's insane to use Gmail, iCloud, your university email, non-private web browsers, etc.
  • Bitcoin on-chain stigma probably won't get worse than that period of overlap starring SilkRoad, Mt. Gox, and Ghash.io
  • The ultimate capital control is interest rates
  • Truly independent (non-commercial) farming seems to be encouraged, even in empty lots across a bunch of US cities, lots of vertical stuff too.
  • Conscription possibly. Mostly a global East, and global South thing