In Old Happy culture, we’re told to always be positive. And what does that positivity look like? Burying your real feelings under a layer of false smiles; never, ever complaining or speaking up about difficult things; and forcing yourself to ignore suffering and pain.
But this is not true positivity. When I think about someone who is a positive person, I don’t think of someone who is faking their way through the day. I think about someone who is facing their challenges courageously, making authentic choices, and striving to help other people.
That’s because true positivity has nothing to do with how smiley you are. True positivity is making the choice to embrace your experiences and learn from them. In a world of challenges, what could be more positive than accepting what is and then trying to find a way to use it that benefits yourself and others?
Take a moment now and allow yourself to feel any emotions that you have been suppressing, labeling them as they come up. Then, ask yourself: “What does this have to teach me?” That's true positivity in action.