Why this post? Why is the world going to be any different?

  • You may have seen my 'inflammatory' SN post last week about where markets are today. TLDR: they are going lower from here.
  • As Lyn Alden recently shared in her newsletter, volatility both politically and financially is here to stay.
  • During War times, all logic goes out the window. Laws get rewritten, 'visible' choice will be limited and disobedience will be punished.
  • We're all aware of the "political-ganda" that exists today and what the shock of 2020 unleashed on the world.
  • Coordinated or not, with tensions worldwide on the rise, with protests, mass migration, joblessness, homelessness and with financial liquidity at it's lowest in recent years, volatility will be abounds.
  • Under these circumstances, truth must be suppressed to maintain control.
  • Any tool that empowers individuals to find such truth, and retain value amidst the chaos is likely to see some headwinds.
  • But that doesn't mean to be deterred. We may need to be smarter about using these tools.
  • The reason I am saying these things is not to get all doomsday - it is more to prepare in advance for some crazy policies, from those that pretend to 'govern'.

What is there to do?

  • Get an open-source 2nd mobile device setup. Buy it in cash and install GrapheneOS. Secure yourself some additional surplus resources. Do it tomorrow.
  • Run your own node, duh. So you can at the very least retain some control of capital.
  • Have a bootable backup or copy of software pre-2019 (particularly Apple software), for stuff you can't do on a mobile device.
  • Start keeping an inventory of consumables. Not to be a prepper, but in the eventuality they may not always be available day to day.
  • Consider your exit plans.