Where should I start to answer to this question that many noobs are asking? I know my advice is always controversial, but in the end I am always right. But seems that nobody wants to say the plain truth: people are not ready for running a node properly.
  • noobs are doing a big mistake jumping straight into running a public node machine without knowing the basics about Bitcoin
  • many influences are pushing this wrong idea into noobs that you must run a node, whatever it takes!
  • there are many ways to use Bitcoin in a secure and private way, even without running your own node machine.


You are a total noob that you've just heard about Bitcoin and want to start. Very good. But first you hear is "not your keys, not your bitcoins" and "run your own node, for privacy and security". Nothing wrong with that, I encourage that too but only to the well prepared noobs that already pass through a series of steps:
  1. First you need to learn the basics of Bitcoin: seed, public/private addressees, UTXO, coin control, mempool, fees, types of wallets etc
  2. Then you need to learn some basics of Linux commands. If you are coming from Windows world all these nodes commands are total chinese for you and you will struggle to go forward and you will make mistakes. Sometimes TERRIBLE mistakes.
  3. You need also to learn the differences between Raspberry Pi, NUC/Barebone, PC desktops, servers, clusters etc.
  4. I will repeat this over and over: RUNNING A PUBLIC NODE IS A SERIOUS TASK, for yourself and for other participants in the network. Running a bad node, is not affecting only you, but also the other participants.
  5. There are many reasons why somebody will run a node. Please stop saying "to help the network". That's bullshit crap marketing. You are not helping at all with a hidden Tor node, that runs only max 8 outbound connections. That is just a personal node. To run a public node you need a powerful machine, with lots of bandwidth and lots of outbound connections, ports open, large mempool set etc. This is affecting directly your node machine.
Read more about these aspects here:

People pushing this narrative of "run your own node" into noobs,

Please consider for a minute to say that ONLY to users that are capable or understand the technicalities implied in running a node.
Let's not get drunk with water guys. You know it but you still push this crazy idea that everybody must run a node.
There's nothing wrong with noobs that are not so techy to connect to "uncle Jim"s nodes, that can provide for them, stable, secured, real connections, blocks, channels and even wallets etc.
Please read this guide and think seriously about this scenario: https://darthcoin.substack.com/p/bitcoin-private-banks-over-lightning
If you want more people to run nodes, fine, but teach them first or at least warn them before jumping into buying RPis and in few weeks you see them frustrated that they don't know how to debug them. Shit happen ALL THE TIME with noobs.
We are not yet there, where we can just plug'n'play a nice little machine and is with all software ready and with just few clicks is running smooth. That machine software will always break! No matter how many documentation and guides we will write, these noobs WILL NEVER READ THEM! Because they start from the premise that they just have to push the button and the node is running like a TV.

Noobs can use an "uncle Jim" node, just fine

Yes, let's say it, for a new user that have zero knowledge, is much better if we help them providing such services.
A very good example here, of a "uncle Jim" node, from Bitcoin Barcelona https://bitcoinbarcelona.xyz/Servicios-Bitcoin-Barcelona-b275aaed964149a3ae2c9b1d16d6b78f And are many more out there. I myself I run a node only for closed friends and merchants, that are not capable to do it properly by themselves.
As a noob you want some more security and privacy? Fine, You can use for example blockstream.info nodes (Core and Electrum) to connect your onchain wallet apps. And are many other well known good nodes, from bitcoin devs and "uncle Jim"s. IT IS NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT.
It is wrong to connect to a random node/server on internet that you don't jmnow nothing about it.
Other option: use Neutrino nodes. Neutrino public nodes are just delivering blocks info to a client, without the need to download the whole blockchain. And are totally private because are not reading your set of keys from your xpub like SPV (Electrum) does.


If you really want to run your own node, then you must start reading the documentation. A lot. And improve your tech skills every day.
This is a serious task. If you know that you are not capable, you better just step away and use simple tools. Don't worry the Bitcoin network will be just fine without you running a meaningless shity node.
Decentralization doesn't mean now to run any shity node, just for the sake of running a node. We need now to have more quality not quantity in Bitcoin network.
I hope my comment will raise some questions and considerations by all participants.