The fiat mindset is hard to break.
Almost everyone alive today was born into a fiat world. That's all they know and think they understand. This is difficult to break out of. People don't do it by accident. And those that do break out had to put in the work.
It wasn't so long ago that I remember what it was like to think about the world through the lens of dollars. Now I find it pretty strange that other people still think that way. But I understand where they're coming from. We've all been there.
That's why I think the key thing to understanding why Bitcoin is really "What is money?". I truly believe you can orange pill someone without even mentioning Bitcoin. Once people understand the problems created by fiat the solution becomes much more obvious.
yeah, i stopped mentioning bitcoin in initial conversations, uninformed minds will instantly associate it with speculation and risk.. talking about gold has been useful, why it 'emerged' in history as a standard with no central 'decision', we don't learn this in school, helping others undestand this is a huge step before bitcoin.