and guess what, bitcoin doesn't need your memes, it is going to win regardless
What memes? Are You drunk?
Your life. You are a meme.
Ok You were drunk. I forgive You. People normally talk bs when they are drunk or retarded. And what I read You clearly are not an idiot. So it's either the alc or You're missing basics of education. If You like to communicate with me: please choose a way as if we were in real life in the same room. Greets and peace
Year to date wheat prices are down 26%. If you like posting bullshit numbers for political memes, you should love fiat money and big government!
Decide whether you value memes, or truth and precise measurement -- this is the entire point of bitcoin, that you can have a PRECISE MEASURE
How old are You? Ask mommy for a warm milk at leave me alone, ok?
Milk, lol, you probably do eat fiat food. Old enough to know my times tables, something you obviously never learned.