The German economy has been slow to adopt cryptocurrencies no differentiation between btc and shitcoins), with only about 2% of companies employing 50 or more people using them. Another 3% consider using them in the future. A whopping 87% of the companies do not foresee adopting cryptocurrencies. These stats come from a survey of 653 companies conducted on behalf of Bitkom. One reason for the hesitation could be cryptocurrencies' volatile reputation and association with speculative behavior. However, they could play a significant role in the future, especially concerning smart contracts and as a payment method in the Internet of Things.
I think Bitcoin adoption in Germany is booming. Just look at these few examples here: and also on how many big local bitcoin communities are created.
Also there's a huge community of builders, with LNbits from MakerBits that are building solutions for german merchants....
Is coming stronger, I really like what these germans are doing.
Hope You're right. It was a business survey and they normally are very very careful but when they change direction one day, they will lead adoption in Europe. Personally I must say that I just know one entrepreneur that has bitcoin. And of course he is shitcoining with xrp.
Is known for a fact that on these surveys, people tend to lie or telling the opposite. Especially merchants. I know also some merchants that I onboarded and they want to keep it "under the radar" for the time being, they not even want to show up on If some new people are coming and ask to pay with BTC they are ready and willing, but not making "noise" about.
People still live in fear man... it's sad.
That's true. Still the NPC media programming is overwhelming. But we're fighting back, building a growing fundament of the new world.
Here is one of the best examples of Bitcoin adoption in Germany with this small hotel, converted into the bitcoin hotel.
Thanks. That's really the perfect example.
I think Germans still do tend to save and relatively the Euro is still seen as a reasonable store of value while their balance of payments still inspires confidence in the country, and it creates a sort of buffer
I guess if you don't feel that pinch you're not inspired, for me it was very evident the devaluation of our currency is growing larger and larger and no local currency-denominated assets were offering protection.
I wouldn't say I got to bitcoin because I'm some genius rather just a process of elimination and doing the math, but it was heavily motivated by this feeling that I am in trouble, if people don't feel that why would they look for protection?
I think the majority is well aware of the decline of their euro and of the economy. But thhey still have 100% trust as of recency bias in the stability of their welfare state. Then there is an immense lack of financial education and massive propaganda
Fair point, I guess what I'm saying is the decline is still sort of "palatable", even here I thought it would click that 19 Rand to the Dollar is madness, 15% annual devaluation, but people just somehow adjust to these numbers, they mean nothing to them, as long as they can service debt and meet the price at the till.
The welfare state only goes in one direction though, I've seen that firsthand, what are the biggest programs? and are they adding more?
The irony is: they call it now ''Bürgergeld''. Citizen money. But it's their vehicle to enslave more and make them anti-sovereign. It's growing by billions (us) every year in volume
At least Germans know how to save. When they eventually learn about bitcoin this will be helpful
They mainly hold cash...
Maybe I have too many German friends but I think the opposite, a lot of developments, great communities.
Good to hear. Probably You are some years younger than I. Other peers...
I been trying to convince my German friend to save in Bitcoin and her counterpoint is she has no where to spend it. I send her some sats long ago she still holds those but that’s as far as she goes with it
Women and spending...
You didn't understand the intention of the post, did You? It was to show the state of education within the group of german entrepreneurs.