I been running my own self custody set up for more than a decade now. It works. I figured how to do my own miniscript time locks and etc.
However, my worry is that this is a function of one. I can do it, but none of my family would be able to replicate. It simply doesn't scale.
So recently I been thinking, maybe my set up should support more than one.
Offerings like nunchuk's inheritance are resonating. Nunchuk seems to remove a lot of the in-house set up. Let alone learning that would be required. Replaced with service dependency. But the benefit is that it can function without me.
So I'm curious. Are there any out there who are using nunchuk's subscription? If you using something else, what is it? And how has the set up so far worked for you?
I have the wallet and want to use it but, if I recall correctly, you gotta buy two years at once and the price felt high to me. I do think the service is probably worth it, though. I just wish they had a trial plan or a way to pay for a shorter term so I could test it out before throwing down a lot of money.
So they do have a trial you can use. Essentially runs the full suite but with testnet. They should make the trial more obvious on the app. 😅
I used it and liked it. It's how I got to this mode of thinking of maybe paying for it. 😄
That’s good to know. I’ll have to give that a try. Thanks for the heads up.
Important problem to address. Would love details on what you've cobbled together wrt miniscript time locks tho.
It's nothing too fancy. I did it with sparrow to get the miniscript set up working. Used testnet to test for a few months and then moved my funds to it.
Essentially was a time lock by using the upcoming blocks, for 2 years. I had it lock usage down to two signers in a 1-2 multisig. Myself and the time locked. I could emergency exit if anything, but the other signer couldn't until the time lock expired.
Last iteration of this was using foundation passport gen 1 as the locked signer.
This is still one of the best use case for Bitcoin