I hope I will not reveal some algo secrets with this, but I found something funny and maybe useful for others on SN, especially for new stackers here.
Every morning I go to SN pool and hit the zap button. Once. Then read the new posts from "all" and if I found something interesting I zap it. You should be the first one doing that and you will see why later. If there are already some comments, zap also those, especially those that weren't already zapped (if are good).
Also post a new comment in the new posts if nobody did it already. Of course if is really necessary, not just for the sake of commenting. Go to Saloon and talk with the funny nemo. Not too much, otherwise will zap you like crazy 😂😂😂
Post a good meta that people are interested too and engage in discussions. Not just post and leave. Engaging will bring you more visibility for your post. If you see that got more sats, go bacl to SN pool and hit that "donation" button again. You can do this anytime, many times per day. Don't worry are not lost sats, but contrary!
Do this all day, when you have time. Then wait for next day. Surprise! Your initial "donation" to SN pool is back, sometimes even more than you expect. Why? Because all the sats in SN poll will be redistributed for your previous "activity". As bonus, you have infinite cowboy hats! Stackers, learn how to use SN...
I do not use SN to get rich... I don't need that, but all these SN sats I use them later to onboard many nocoiners, every fucking day.
too much alpha ser please mi familia
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Much secret codes are being revealed.
You get me with the infinite 🤠!
Solid advice, thanks
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