Cities are shitcoins.
As my man Hawksley Workman said:
"It's big and shiny and improved with no room left for me to move prostrate to this unending grind sure, you'll make a lot of money, l but you'll never make time" -The City is a Drag
Cities can be great I guess but on the whole they are overrated. Some are great to visit and I get why some people love them but they aren't for me. It seems to me that there is a point at which a city begins to fall under its own weight. Seems like there is a size (not sure what it is) at which they start to fall apart. They don't scale basically. When you hit an issue like that you should build a new one some where else. Distribute the people basically. I like smaller cities a lot more than larger ones but rural is my favorite.
tokyo's pretty fkn cool tho I must say
Cities are great to visit.
yes, great to visit but not to live.