With child labor laws, regulations, and minimum wage it is very hard for a young person to get a job. At least it is in the US. Its not impossible but it sure isn't as available as it was when I was a kid. I believe a key aspect of success is not accepting the status quo. Find a way. Find a way to do what you want. Don't say I can't. Say how can I?
I want to live the Bitcoin Standard but I can’t get my pay to be dished out to me in BTC yet. I’m from Asia, so providers like Cash or Swan or Strike don’t work for me. What do you suggest I can do within my control? Get a Xapo debit card?
Not sure if they are available in your country but maybe checkout Bitwage. They allow you to receive your pay check in bitcoin. Pretty sure a few stackers here use it. I know I have heard @DarthCoin mention it.
Trading services for bitcoin is another way. Do direct work for bitcoiners or sell something online for bitcoin.
If you wanna trade fiat for bitcoin checkout Robosats.
You could also ask for ideas by posting a discussion on SN about this topic. I'd search for it first though. There's a lot of data on the site already.