Well, sometimes that's easier said than done. Israel/Palestine is basically impossible to avoid if you're active in the relatively similar social media sphere that many bitcoiners find themselves in.
Nope, I've manage to avoid it. 😳
What's helped you develop the eyes for bullshit, and how do you keep them sharp?
  • See Wikipedia or mainstream media as a counter source; if it says something or someone negative, then maybe it is positive.
  • Verifying things in different languages, most often each place has its version of stories, find out those details and trace them.
  • Generally use popular things as red flags, something to avoid.
all great tactics, especially defining mainstream sources as counter signal. Once I understood this, their actions became so much clearer; when I understood the incentives.
I applaud you avoiding the conflict. It's basically taken over the algorithm for me on trad social media. Need moer stacker newsing. I did/do genuinely enjoy what twitter had to offer, but bitcoin social protocols have proven just how much more value social media can offer.