This is really good and well-written and hits on the right points. Seems like a big deal that this is a major financial institution giving a credible rendition of the saner maxi talking points. Like if Saifedean got injected with horse tranquilizer, he might have written this.
Also makes me reflect on the power of stories -- clearly these Fidelity peeps have been absorbing the narratives of the community. What started as a handful of weirdos howling into the wind has been adopted by a group with a large megaphone.
Gradually then suddenly, indeed.
Fidelity has been super bitcoin forward for awhile. They had some kind of bitcoin mining bootcamp back in 2015-17. Nic Carter is an alum and several bitcoin founders I know were in it.
I can't find a link to the program. It must've been dissolved or diluted by other blockchain interests.
Nic Carter vibes is indeed accurate
if Saifedean got injected with horse tranquilizer, he might have written this.
I think folks have a hard time with institutions, especially those build on fiat moving slowly into bitcoin. Guys, its gonna happen and its ok. They won't get it right. They will say and do things that we don't agree with. Its ok. The main thing IMO is that we don't start following them. Keep to the core principles.
Disgusting garbage obviously written by idiots. They can't stop bitcoin from obliterating their worthless lives.