I think homeschooling works for some but not all. While people bash on government schools one thing that government schools do a good job of is having kids face adversity. Some rise others fail. So is life.
I think this rise thar homeschooling is the key to a great education for children is misguided. I often think it is a push to bubble wrap kids and force the parents’ view of the world on to them for better or for worse.
The general fear of government schools corrupting the child mind is scary but the world is evil for example the woke stuff in school yes your kid can fall down that rabbit hole but the same thing can happen with any type of idea. I grew up with kids who threw their life away playing World of Warcraft. Video games completely hijacked young men.
Being bullied getting bad teachers it’s all part of life. It is up to the individual child to rise and overcome. Build social skills and problem solve in an uncontrollable environment. Adversity builds character.
But for what it’s worth every single homeschooled person I have met in my personal career has been a bit quirky.