Most home schooled people I have met have excelled in academics and career. There is a massive bias in media backed by the government schools and their unions to discourage school choice and freedom. For many one thing became clear in 2020. Just how uninterested many in government education are in what parents want. Those in power in government schools believe they know better than you do. Now, I know many teachers and I'm not saying it is them but some of them are guilty of this as well. I believe it is mostly higher up in administration.
If your values do not align with those taught in government schools you should do something about that. Opt out for your family's sake. Like most things every gov school isn't as bad as the next one. There are small schools with different values than the large metro schools. But the point is, do you know what your children are being taught? This goes for all schools and curriculum. For the past 20 years I've been learning that so many things I was taught were lies. Or at least lies of omission that distorted my world view. I even went to a private Christian school for High School. Some of these schools just copy the government schools but add Jesus. That's why you should take responsibility. Be active. Reject passivity. Your kids are worth it.
Depending on where you live, private schools (and home schools for that matter) may be required to teach the government curriculum. The big differences are usually the quality of peers and the threats to your kids' physical safety.
Yep the threat of violence is real. Most adults will never be attacked as adults but most kids are assaulted in school. Its wild how we just accept this.