My parents raised me with the simple belief that money comes from hard work. Even though my parents were the wealthiest in the neighborhood/town, it wasn't often that I could simply point at something and get it. If I wanted something, I had to earn it, and by 'earn it,' I mean I had to work to collect money.. This is decades before bitcoin.
I can observe my friends' kids today, aged 10-13, who seem to have almost no understanding of the value of money. I often witness them spending money freely during vacations as if it were limitless, only to end up disappointed when their pockets are empty, leading them to start begging for more...
I have a kid, well it is some years before I can start sending sats (but I can hodl), I will not force sats but I will encourage that. It is important that the kid understand that it is an opportunity to earn some hard money by doing stuff at home and for what rate.