Respectfully this is a false choice and common one. One I held many years ago. Home schooling is about choice, freedom, and control. When your child is educated in the government school you have VERY limited control over what they are taught and trained to believe.
When you take responsibility for your children's education you do not have to do all the teaching. Most people shouldn't do this in fact. There are great resources for home schooling parents. In many subjects and for many kids the options are superior to the government options. You choice your curriculum, learning management system, and even your whole approach on education. The choices are very diverse. If you are considering this I encourage you to ask more questions and do more research beyond this simple question.
Also, remember that in a traditional government school you have one teacher (maybe a sub par teacher at that) is teaching 20-30 kids at once at the same pace with limited time and very little accountability to parents. When you home school you can pick everything and chose the best option for each child.
I hope that helps.
Home schooling is about choice, freedom, and control.
Exactly. This isn't about the homeschooling itself - it's about my freedom to decide if I want to homeschool.
There are great resources for home schooling parents.
I want to add to that that it's also a huge spectrum: teaching your own kids; teaching your and your neighbors kids together with your neighbor; sending them to a small private school with 10 students; sending them to a big private school. Those all have in common that we have choice, freedom, and control.
Yep and it makes all education better. If it weren't for parents forcing this choice we would only have a monopoly of government education. That idea is dying.