Nothing, if I can help it. Pride is blindness. Not trying to make a killjoy holier-than-though point here, it's just worth saying because it's so difficult to remember. A constant battle.
Proud of my cooking? Then I'm blind to advice from "worse" cooks. Proud of my physics insight? This one is personal for me, because I am. Which means I don't know what it makes me blind to :(
Proud of my nationality, race, religion? Blind to the potential value of the "others". It's in all cases stupid, that's why its a sin, i guess.
I've interacted with a few radically angry bitcoin maximalists on this site. What is their common trait? They are proud of their vast knowledge. Blind to the wisdom of fools. Proud of yourself? Blind to becoming better.
It's a constant battle, especially if you are like me— extremely smart, competent, and really, really, really ridiculously good looking.
It is a constant battle.
I think there’s a difference between being proud of something and being prideful; nothing wrong with giving yourself credit where it’s due