Yes, I used to reward my daughter with sats for simple tasks in excel, helping me with some work reports.
She was quite good with excel and extracting data from other sources so she helped me a lot with that time consuming work, meanwhile I could focus more on other things.
So we agreed to pay her a fix amount of sats for each excel file she finish.
In regards of housework / cleaning stuff like that, no, I wouldn't pay for that. Each member in the house must do his own part. Especially for youngling, they must learn to be responsible and clean. Now yes, come the part when for example I do not have time to throw the garbage or do some of my houseworking parts. I could say to her "if you do this for me, I will pay you x sats". So I am rewarding for doing my job, not her job.
Don't raise your kids to be lazy. Teach them what proof of work otherwise they will not respect anything in their life, will just take for granted and will end up really badly.
I agree with you. Children must pull their fair share of weight wrt household chores. I don’t want to raise a spoilt Emperor and an indulgent Princess