I couldn’t get into book 1. I did reread (and enjoy) The Stand this summer though. I’ll give it another go at some point.
Stephen King is so uneven. In general, among the best beginnings / setups in all of fiction; in general, amongst the worst endings. Dark Tower series was a case in point.
That’s a shame. His set ups are amazing and then he seems to get bored…
I don't think it's so much "bored" as "doesn't know how to land the plane he's hurled into the air". Which is a weak critique, I suppose -- it's only because his imagination is so awesome, and his setups are so awesome, that his endings are so weak. But still.
No. That’s a fair critique. Rereading The Stand, having read it years ago, was an interesting experience; the characterisations, the descriptions, the situations were all amazing… the payoff and ending meh