I had another take. The timing is suspicious, since only a week ago a continuing resolution was passed with 0 funding for Ukraine aid, and it's obvious that support for Ukraine is waning. There isn't a clear path forward for more Ukraine funding as long as Republicans control the house. American spooks could have goaded Hamas into attacking, as a way to drum up flagging war support in America.
I know it sounds a bit conspiratorial, and maybe it's not true. But considering that the US almost certainly bombed Nordstream2, I wouldn't put anything past our MIC.
I also guarantee that in the next week there will be opinion articles written to say that the Hamas attack shows that America can't pull back on backstopping security in other nations
Good point. Let the printer run hotter
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people don't know to ask the important questions... they just obey and consume what MSM feed them
Oh, I promoted M. McLuhan to hundreds... nearly no fish bit.