With a terminal client you can take a folder of a static website or app (made only with HTML, CSS and JavaScript) and store those files as notes on some relays, the webserver then fetch those notes and show them as files the browser show as a website using said nostr relays as storage.
You can also host a webserver yourself using the source code.
Can you show me an example of a website hosted hosted using Nostr
Of course, the site itself is an example: https://hostr.cc/
There's also some other on nostr if you search for "hostr.cc", here's a couple of them:
Wait, are you using javascript too?
I didn't make those but yes, HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
How fast are the hosting? I always considered Nostr kinda slow, specially certain relays.
From what I saw it relies only on its own relay for fetching content, but I'm not sure.