I wanted to share a book that I've almost finished reading. "Countdown to Socialism : The National Democratic Revolution in South Africa since 1994" by Dr Anthea Jeffery. For those of us who have lived with socialism reading this book is like watching a remake of a movie that we've seen before. The violence, chaos and corruption that socialist governments are so apt to instigate are abundantly clear in this book. For those that may not have experienced socialist governments first hand, it's likely an easy, albeit perhaps distressing read, but also a detailed examination of the economic and political shenanigans that are a characteristic of a country whose population are put through such struggles and hardship "for their own good" while the leaders line their pockets and live a life of luxury. A key concept that the book examines is the NDR, the roots of which she traces back to Soviet ideology. A thoroughly well researched book about recent S. African history, politics and economics. I noted that Dr Anthea Jeffery has given speeches at an organisation in South Africa called the "Free Market Foundation" which, as the name suggests, is an advocate of free market economics with which many of us will share common views and values concerning economic theory and policy. I was interested to see that the organisation hosted Friedrich Hayek in South Africa for a series of speeches in 1978. Their website if you're interested below. https://www.freemarketfoundation.com
They also have a youtube channel and if you want to hear Dr Anthea Jeffery discussing her book it can be watched on their channel.
Afterthought...... Would an economics subsection be appropriate? I've chosen meta, despite knowing exactly what that is. 😅 🫡