With Strike Private, eligible clients get access to our leading Bitcoin infrastructure with no purchase limits, tailored custom pricing, and our team of Bitcoin experts. We partner with these clients on buying and selling bitcoin, Bitcoin education, Lightning Network overviews, guidance on self-custody, market analysis, and more. Whatever you need on your Bitcoin journey, Strike is your trusted, reliable, expert partner for the most significant monetary technology revolution of our lifetimes.
This sounds like some kind of white glove service which is probably great for their business - high net worth customers bring both money and connections.
I wonder what's next for strike. The have an exchange and fiatX->bitcoin->fiatY type services. It seems like they excel at navigating tradfi partnerships. If you excelled at tradfi partnerships what would you build next?
1142 sats \ 1 reply \ @kr OP 5 Oct 2023
stock trading would probably be up there
Oh that'd be wild. I was discussing that a bitcoin <> equity exchange with someone recently. They were saying it's crazy illegal but Jack could probably knock it out.