Lol for sure, I don't even bring it up with my normie connections anymore, I just let them laugh and have their opinions, I am sure they are going to tell me I just got lucky when this thing finally starts to click but thats a pain I am happy to deal with
I think the inertia of the status quo is hard to break, people will do something familiar even when it shows diminishing results and with fiat, people can't always see the diminishing results because they are so focused on the nominal unit and not the relative purchasing power
All the best with the next step in your career and enjoy the journey, we will all look back on it and laugh
That's how I have been. Totally avoiding the subject. Now I just make short, positive statements and drop it unless they initiate further conversation. I just want to make my opinion clear to everyone. People who respect you might do their own research. At worst, the word "bitcoin" is heard in a positive light.