pull down to refresh

This one is a honker.
Rewards update
Rewards are now random. Every night I give a cowboy a bottle whiskey and he flips a coin. If it lands on heads, we reward the top 33% of posts/comments. If it lands on tails, we reward the zappers of the top 33% of posts/comments.
  1. nostr crossposting (via @bitcoinplebdev)
    • requires nip-07 extension
    • only applies to discussions currently (more is planned)
    • you can set it to repost on a per post basis (in the options pane) or default to crossposting in settings
  2. symmetric lud-18 (via @WeAreAllSatoshi)
    • you can now optionally send identifying information when you make a lightning address withdrawal ... assuming the receiver's wallet supports it
    • you can also receive such information when someone sends to your lightning address
  3. quote replies (via @WeAreAllSatoshi)
    • in the overflow aka ... for items you can now quote the item you're replying to by hitting quote reply
    • if you haven't highlighted text in the parent, it will quote the full item
    • if you have highlighted text in the parent, it will only quote what you've highlighted
    • if you have highlighted text in the parent and hit reply it will also quote it
  4. mention autocompletes (via @WeAreAllSatoshi)
    • it's like it sounds ... when you hit @ sn attempts to help you find your boo
  5. date range selection in search (via @rleed)
  6. full url search with the url: filter (via @rleed)
  7. changes to my changes of images (via @ekzyis) ... he'll have the last change
  8. kind of a small one ... but when you switch over to preview, you no longer lose your cursor position in the original text
PR merging vacation
Take a knee contributors. PRs for new features will not be merged (by me at least) until I finish personalized feeds. Please continue to send in PRs, it just might be slightly slower turnaround than usual ... Oh, and one of your moms brought orange slices and gatorade. Help yourselves.
Please shout loud about any bugs you find!
Really awesome work everyone! SN gets better every day!
The only downside of being forwarded zaps on a post like this is I can’t zap it for the other folks lol
Love to SN's continued development
SN's continued development loves you back! 😄
Badass. Love the @-searching with so much passion, and the reply quoting.
still trying to understand how this one works
edited: just found it!
@WeAreAllSatoshi can you check the LUD-18 and LUD-12 option? I tried to send some tests to chat@blixtwallet.com or darthcoin@ln.tips or darthcoin@getalby.com (all of them support LUD-18 and 12 and the modal for comment and name is not appearing in SN payment screen (using the LN address field).
If I want to send to chat@blixtwallet.com (https://chat.blixtwallet.com/) 10 sats it appear the comment and name but I get an error: Unexpected error value: [400, "expectedPaymentRequestToDecode"]
If I want to send to chat@blixtwallet.com (https://chat.blixtwallet.com/) 10 sats it appear the comment and name but I get an error: Unexpected error value: [400, "expectedPaymentRequestToDecode"]
expectedPaymentRequestToDecode appears to be coming the lightning npm lib, and is decoding an invoice.
Perhaps the invoice request (i.e calling the callback in LNURL-pay) didn't work properly for some reason and did not return an invoice.
@hampus I see this in the logs when trying to call the invoice request from my dev machine:
  statusCode: 500,
  error: 'Internal Server Error',
  message: 'Could not parse query params'
with a query param string of ?amount=10000&payerdata=%257B%2522identifier%2522%253A%2522SatsAllDay%2540stacker.news%2522%257D
An issue decoding the URI encoded param, maybe?
ETA: same thing when you send name, as well. Are we doing the payerdata query param encoding incorrectly?
Perhaps we're double encoding when we shouldn't be?
I don't see any explicit decoding of the query param:
It was some time ago I made this server, but I think Fastify is implicitly decoding the GET params. It makes it into an object.
It will naturally not attempt to decode twice, which is why the JSON.parse() errors out.
Perhaps we're double encoding when we shouldn't be?
Yes, as far as I can tell, it seems to be double-encoded when it shouldn't be.
A quick look. Yours require two decodeURIComponents:
// stacker.news

// blixt wallet
Though I'm not sure who's in the wrong here. I'll investigate some more.
Perhaps we're double encoding when we shouldn't be?
Yes, my understanding after reading the specification again is that it should not be encoded twice.
Yea that makes sense. I’ll work up a fix today!
I got this too. I’ll debug when at my computer
If you don’t include your identifier, it seems to work.
but that is just posting as anonymous
Yea, I’m just trying to figure out what conditions cause the error. I’m still on mobile, I’ll dig into it further in a little while
I just tried this and it seemed to work? https://i.postimg.cc/wjpvFcGs/IMG-9387.jpg
For me appear for a second the fields and then disappear. Only when I use chat@blixtwallet.com it stays. Maybe after first use is something in the browser cache?
We query the ln addr provider every time you change the address, character by character. We probably need to debounce this, because if you're on the second to last character, there won't be valid metadata (e.g. darthcoin@stacker.new), so we default the form state. If these requests resolve out of order, you could end up in a state with no LUD-12 or LUD-18 options in the form. Debouncing should resolve it.
594 sats \ 0 replies \ @ek 5 Oct 2023
We also squeezed in more push notification types. Everything except job updates now have a corresponding push notification (/cc @WeAreAllSatoshi since you mentioned you eagerly await them. And haha, used you during my first time using mention autocomplete). But there is a bug for the daily rewards type where only the rewards for one type will be shown.
SN keep making the work looks easy
Lol I like the drunken cowboy protocol I think it should be the norm and all your reward experiments should stick around and it flips between them to keep us guessing, kinda like monero does with trying to be ASIC resistant
Gah I don’t think selecting text for quote reply is working on mobile safari 😾
I think it's only broken when doing it in the original post. There's likely some kind of race and deselecting the text is winning. I also noticed in mobile safari that the dropdown will fall behind the selection as if safari doesn't honor the dom hierarchy.
Safari doing safari things lol
I’ll experiment with it and see if I can find a fix
It's this generation's Internet Explorer
PR opened to fix this
Also noticed that the OS on Android may block me from clicking the dots, lol
Not sure if this is fixable. But I think it's also not a big issue.
That’s where clicking reply after making your selection can be used! It’s good to have options lol
I'm loving all these updates and the transparency from the team. Thank you @Natalia for the heads-up on the new features.
LUD-18 is fucking awesome! Thank you guys! Now I san send sats to somebody, attaching the name Christine Lagarde.
I want to escape too, Satoshi lol
I think storing my nsec in sn + adding a password to encrypt it in sn will be much easier for crossposting to nostr ?
adding this as an optional option will be helpful @k00b @bitcoinplebdev
this is not a good idea
would you do that with a bitcoin seed?
Loving the cross post feature.
1- Is there is a way to crosspost without nip-07 ?
2- Can it crosspost old posts Or batch crosspost what i posted when i use an extension browser ? @k00b
wow, lud-18! Just tested it, basically, you can send the msg as anyone now.
Mention autocompletes is cool, no more chance of typing the id wrong then 😂😂
I had to try it for myself. First impression? It’s amazing! Second impression? Nostr clients have a lot of work to do to display these posts better. Some do a great job, some have unexpected formatting issues. Some don’t show them at all!
Interested to try out NOSTR cross posting!
how can we earn the bottle whiskey?
honk honk
The cross posting on Nostr is important feature to have on SN
@bitcoinplebdev @k00b I'm getting this error when crossposting in the past two days. Anything could I try to restore the fucntionality?
submit error: Nostr error: Timeout after 10000 ms waiting for extension
When tried to Unlink (after connecting a secon login option) and Re-link the nostr extension I get this error error: nostr extension failed to sign event timeouted after 5000 ms waiting for extension
@MoritzK please can you check on alby why is not displaying the alias / sender from LUD-18 (when you receive from SN using an alias)?
To be honest this is really great work to say the fact.
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What did it say?!?!
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